
Growing your investment for the benefit of Indiana University

We support IU by raising private gifts and by prudently managing the investment of donations to generate steady, long-term funding for the university’s people, places, and programs.

Our investment philosophy

We take a disciplined, consistent, and diversified approach to investment. Our seasoned investment managers use a broad mix of asset classes and operate according to the policies and strategic direction of the IUF Investment Committee and the laws of the State of Indiana.

Our investment goals

The primary goal of our investment management activities is to preserve the purchasing power of the endowment for current and future generations. We also work to provide a reliable stream of income to support our spending needs through prudent investment strategies.

Our performance objectives

We strive to attain an average annual total return on investments that meets or exceeds the sum of the Foundation’s distribution rate, inflation, and any management or administrative fees.

In addition, when we are the appointed trustee of a charitable trust, the objective is to achieve a rate of return to satisfy the required distribution rate, while preserving as much of the principal as possible.