Give from your IRA

To learn more about these life income options, jump to charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts. Keep in mind that some of the rules and requirements differ if you fund the CGA or CRT from your IRA.

*Example is for illustrative purposes only and uses a 5.4% applicable federal rate.

You choose how to give

When you give from your IRA, you can:

  • Make an immediate impact on IU and gain tax advantages for yourself.
  • Make a gift and create a lifetime income stream for retirement.
  • Make an easy, flexible future gift by naming the IU Foundation the sole or partial beneficiary of your IRA.

Giving retirement assets to IU makes good sense

IRA assets can be highly taxed upon your death—possibly taxed once in your estate and then again as income to your children or other named beneficiaries. To minimize the income tax burden on heirs, consider donating the IRA assets and leaving heirs stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate instead—assets that are not subject to income tax when they are passed down (and may even receive a step-up in basis).