When you let us know in writing that you have made a planned or deferred gift to IU, we invite you to join the Arbutus Society. Such gifts have no minimum requirement and can take the form of:
Arbutus Society

- A bequest through a will or trust
- A charitable life income plan such as a charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity
- A gift of property subject to life estate
- A gift of life insurance
- A retirement plan asset
The trailing arbutus is an evergreen whose name and image have become a cherished IU tradition. Discovered by Professor Hermann B Boison on Arbutus Hill east of Bloomington, the arbutus is the official flower of Indiana University. The IU Bloomington yearbook, founded in 1894, is named for it, and it’s a part of the design of the jewel of office worn by all new IU presidents during inauguration ceremonies.
Documentation for joining the Arbutus Society
Please provide the Office of Gift Planning with written documentation of your planned gift. We would prefer to have the legal instrument or relevant provision, but you can also mail a letter, send an email, or complete a form.
If the bequest language is unclear, we may need to work with you to ensure your wishes are met. In many cases, you may also need to sign a gift agreement.
By asking you to provide documentation, we’re ensuring that you, your advisors, the benefiting campus, school, or program, and the IU Foundation are all on the same page.

In addition to the knowledge that you are creating a lasting legacy at IU, Arbutus Society members enjoy a wide range of benefits, including:
- An exclusive, annual Arbutus Society event
- Invitations to lectures, exhibits, receptions, and other special events
- Automatic inclusion in additional, school-specific giving societies if applicable.
- A welcome gift commemorating your induction into this esteemed group
For more information about the Arbutus Society, contact the Office of Gift Planning Services at 800-558-8311 or giftplan@iu.edu.
Have a question?
Our planned giving team would be happy to speak with you in confidence, with no obligation.