Matching Gifts

Make your gift go even further

IU students, faculty, and researchers count on your generosity every year—and you count on IU to honor your gifts to the fullest. It’s a powerful relationship that truly changes lives.

What’s more: The gifts you make to IU every year may be eligible to be matched!

Companies large and small have programs to match dollar for dollar—sometimes even 2:1—the charitable gifts made by employees, spouses, and sometimes even board members and retirees.

Match my gift

Matches can make a big difference

1 in 10Donors, on average, are eligible to have their gift matched

24,000+companies and subsidiaries offer matching gift programs as a benefit to their employees

$2+ millionWas generated to support IU students, professors, and research last year—all thanks to matching gifts

Good for you, good for IU, good for the world

Every gift makes a difference. Every match increases the power of your gift …

  • Generating extra support for your favorite IU programs
  • Getting your company involved in a worthy cause
  • Bringing you closer to membership in IU giving societies and circles

When you give to IU and submit a matching gift form, we credit YOU with your company’s contribution. It’s a win-win! Your favorite IU causes benefit from additional funding, and you move one step closer to the special privileges of our giving societies and circles

Make your gift go further today

Match my gift