Endowed gifts

Endowed gifts

Maximize your impact

A gift to an endowment fund is one of the strongest ways to support Indiana University on a long-term—often permanent—basis.

Your gifted assets, combined with the gifts of others, are professionally managed and invested for growth. IU uses only the income from the fund (or a stated percentage of the income) for the benefit of the designated program, scholarship, or area.

In this way, your gift becomes perpetual and self-renewing. It increases your impact and helps IU accomplish its work long into the future.

You can give to an existing endowment fund now or through a gift in your will or a beneficiary designation. You also decide what to support; for example, a fund dedicated to a meaningful program, scholarship, or IU’s general mission.

See it in action

Dr. Jean Creek (BS’49, MD’52) worked his way through school and graduated with no debt. He waited tables at his Acacia fraternity house, played trumpet in a big band at a Kentucky nightclub, and worked summers as an orderly—a patchwork of jobs that was enough to cover his tuition.

“Students today could never do what I did,” says Dr. Creek. “When I first came to IU, undergraduate tuition was $44 a semester and $100 at the [IU] School of Medicine.” By the fall of 2012, those amounts had risen to $4,375 and $16,346, respectively.

When Jean approached his wife, Doris, about making a gift to the medical school, she thought it was a great idea. They wanted to help students deal with increasing tuition and growing student debt. In addition to establishing medical scholarships, the Creeks endowed a scholarship for the IU Jacobs School of Music.

Creating your own endowment fund is easy and impactful

Are you interested in making a large gift that establishes your legacy? Consider creating your own endowment fund to support and sustain the area closest to your heart. Reach out to IU to start a conversation about how to best make your charitable goals a reality.