Our Impact

Together, we lead by giving

Women’s Philanthropy elevates the impact of IU donors through strategic grant giving. Our grants are not limited to women’s causes—we seek to fund critical needs, new ventures, and innovative solutions to social problems. We accept applications from programs and initiatives across all IU campuses, with awards typically ranging from $2,500 to $25,000.

With your support, we can continue to effect meaningful change in Indiana and around the world.

Led by the School of Health & Human Sciences at IU Indianapolis, GoBabyGo at IU helped provide modified, battery-powered vehicles to children with motor and cognitive developmental delays.
The IU Northwest Environmental Resilience Project connected the IU Northwest campus and local community by engaging, educating, and conversing around critical topics in sustainability and climate change resiliency.
A collaboration between multiple departments at IU Bloomington, the Books and Beyond Program provided more than 2,000 eye exams and pairs of eyeglasses to Rwandan students and established a system for manufacturing locally 3D-printed prosthetic limbs, as part of its “Treating the Whole Child” initiative.
Through the School of Dentistry at IU Indianapolis, the Domestic Violence Oral Health Care Outreach Program fostered community outreach to underserved individuals who are victims of domestic violence to restore their oral health care function and alleviate oral pain and discomfort.
The IU Southeast School of Nursing’s outreach program to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota provides health care services to local community members, while giving IU nursing students real-world experience in clinical nursing.
The Composed by Women program at IU South Bend provided opportunities for students and the local public to experience music by female composers, performed in masterclasses and concerts by a diverse collection of performers.
The Collegiate Recovery Community at IU Bloomington hired a part-time, Master’s-level clinician to help support the needs of students in the process of recovery from substance abuse, through services such as counseling, recovery coaching, weekly group meetings, sober events, and academic support.

While we consider all proposals from all IU campuses, our current focus areas are:

Improving public health

Creating global and service-learning experiences for IU students

Supporting leadership initiatives

Promoting and advancing STEM disciplines

Providing educational and cultural enrichment to the greater IU community

Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine how far we’ve come.

Dale Ellen Leff, Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council founding member and Chair Emerita