Board of Directors

IU Foundation Board of Directors: What We Do

The IU Foundation Board of Directors works to steward and support Indiana University’s fundraising goals while serving as the legal governing body for the IU Foundation.

These experienced leaders dedicate their time and talents to secure a strong future for Indiana University. Our board members come from a variety of backgrounds, with one common thread: sincere dedication to the success of Indiana University.

These remarkable individuals ensure the IU Foundation delivers on the promise of an affordable, world-class education at Indiana University.

The Board of Directors in Action

Collectively, past and present IU Foundation board members have given more than $409 million to IU, making them some of our most generous donors. They also travel three times each year—at their own expense—to attend board meetings, providing governance oversight and input into how the IU Foundation can best achieve its mission of advancing Indiana University’s best interests.

Board of directors meeting dates


  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, February 14–16, Virtual
  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 5–7, Indianapolis
  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October dates 16-18, Bloomington, IN


  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, February 12–14, Virtual
  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 4–6, Indianapolis
  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October dates TBD (awaiting confirmation for dates of IU Homecoming), Bloomington, IN


  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, February 11-13, Virtual
  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 3-5, TBD
  • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October dates TBD (awaiting confirmation for dates of IU Homecoming), Bloomington, IN

Members of the Board of Directors

Aasif M. Bade

Ambrose Property Group, LLC
Indianapolis, IN

Kathryn R. Booth

Harrison, NY

W. Quinn Buckner

Pacers Sports and Entertainment
Indianapolis, IN

Amy Balcius

Carmel, Indiana

Derrick Burks

Zionsville, Indiana

Pamela Carter

Franklin, TN

Julie Christopher

Founder & CEO
Best of Seven
Chicago, IL

Julie A. Davis

Indianapolis, IN

Theodore D. Dickman

Retired CEO at BKD, LLP CPAs & Advisors
Indianapolis, IN

David C. Evans

Sherwood Forrest, Maryland

Nathan Feltman

Carmel, IN

Jeff M. Fettig

Chairman and CEO, Retired
Whirlpool Corporation
Benton Harbor, MI

Curtis A. Ferguson

Managing Director, Ventech
Shanghai, China

John Fernandez

Senior Vice President, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships
The Mill
Bloomington, IN

James D. Fielding

Los Angeles, CA

J Thomas Forbes

President and CEO
Indiana University Foundation
Bloomington, IN

Kevin Gay

Healdsburg, CA

Alan B. Graf

EVP & CFO, Retired
FedEx Corporation
Memphis, TN

Dena Rae Hancock

Senior Vice President, Wealth Services
The Naples Trust Company
Naples, FL

Alisa Hendrix

Bloomington, IN

James R. Hodge

President and Chief Investment Officer
Permal Group, Inc.
New York, NY

David H. Jacobs Jr.

Owner, Stilllife Construction
President, David Jacobs Fine Arts
Santa Monica, CA

Rick L. Johnson

Johnson Ventures, Inc.
Columbus, IN

Robert N. Johnson

Dublin, CA

Louis G. Jordan

Tympany Vineyards
Healdsburg, CA

Jane Jorgensen

Syracuse, IN

Kenneth W. Kaczmarek

Del Mar, CA

Dale Ellen Leff

New York, NY

Patricia A. Martin

Indianapolis, IN

Rose C. Mays

Professor Emeritus
Indiana University School of Nursing
Indianapolis, IN

Rodney Miller

Vice Chairman of Mergers and Acquisitions
JPMorgan Securities LLC
New York, NY

Sallie Jo Tardy Mitzell

Westfield, IN

John Timothy “Tim” Morris

Greenwich, Connecticut

Kim I. Pressman

Saddle River, NJ

James Robert (Rob) Quigg III

Chair, Quigg Fund Inc.
Faribault, MN

Victor E. “Gene” Renuart

General, USAF (Ret)
Founder & President
The Renuart Group, LLC
Apex, NC

Marya Rose

Carmel, IN

Melissa Proffitt Schmidt

Partner-in-Charge of Client Relations
Indianapolis, IN

Glenn Scolnik

Hammond, Kennedy, Whitney & Company, Inc.
Indianapolis, IN

Randolph L. Seger

Bingham Greenebaum Doll, LLP
Indianapolis, IN

Amish Shah

President and CEO
Kem Krest Corporation
Bristol, IN

Michael D. Shumate

San Diego, CA

Donna Spears

Richmond, IN

Gregg T. Summerville

Tecumseh Capital Partners, LLC
Columbus, IN

Cheryl Sullivan

Indianapolis, IN

Steven Tuchman

Indianapolis, IN

Linda S. Watson

Chicago, IL

W. Michael Wells

Hylant of Indianapolis, LLC
Indianapolis, IN

Pamela Whitten

Indiana University
Bloomington, IN

Richard E. Woosnam

Innovest Group, Inc.
Philadelphia, PA

Cheng Wu

Saratoga, CA

Robert L. Zerbe

Chief Executive Officer
Quatrx Pharmaceuticals
Richmond Hill, GA

Gary J. Anderson

Managing Director Emeritus
TL Ventures
Nashville, IN

S. Sue Aramian

New York, NY

Bill C. Brown

Bill C. Brown Associates
Bloomington, IN

William P. Carmichael

Naples, FL

Gayle T. Cook

Alecia A. DeCoudreaux

Mills College
Oakland, CA

Clarence H. Doninger

Doninger Tuohy & Bailey, LLP
Indianapolis, IN

Thomas Ehrlich

President Emeritus
Indiana University
Palo Alto, CA

Ezra H. “Zeke” Friedlander

Retired Judge
Indiana Court of Appeals
Indianapolis, IN

Ellen C. Gignilliat

Chicago, IL

Jack M. Gill

The Gill Foundation of Texas
Houston, TX

Harry L. Gonso

Ann L. Harrison

Attica, IN

Steven H. Henke

Henke Development Group
Carmel, IN

Adam W. Herbert, Jr.

President Emeritus
Indiana University
Jacksonville, FL

V. William Hunt

Hunt Capital Partners
Indianapolis, IN

Julie Inskeep

The Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne, IN

Lacy M. Johnson

Taft Law
Indianapolis / Washington DC

Robert W. Lanum

Of Counsel
Stites & Harbison, PLLC
Jeffersonville, IN

Kathleen Ligocki

Board Member, Serial CEO,
West Bloomfield, MI

Jane H. Martin

Haverway Farm
Bloomington, IN

Phyllis E. McCullough

Chairwoman of the Board
Cook, Inc.
Bloomington, IN

Michael A. McRobbie

President Emeritus
University Chancellor
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN

Patricia R. Miller

Vera Bradley Designs
Fort Wayne, IN

Joseph T. Morrow

Chairman Emeritus
Home State Bank
Schererville, IN

Randall C. Morgan Jr., M.D.

University Park Orthopedics
University Park, Florida

Georgette Mosbacher

New York, NY

John D. Peterson Jr.

Chairman and CEO
City Securities Corporation
Zionsville, IN

N.E. “Ned” Pfau Jr.

President and CEO
Geo. Pfau’s Sons Company, Inc.
Jeffersonville, IN

Frank P. Popoff

Popoff Limited Partners
Midland, MI

Lynn E. Reichle

Lynn E. Gassoway, DDS
Valparaiso, IN

Jill S. Ruckelshaus

Medina, WA

Thomas D. Rush

Managing Partner
Rush Investments
Indianapolis, IN

Richard C. Searles

Merrill Lynch
Indianapolis, IN

John C. Shoemaker

Los Altos, CA

Curtis R. Simic

President Emeritus
Indiana University Foundation
Bloomington, IN

James G. Sinclair

Index Notion Company, Inc.
Carmel, IN

Cynthia Simon Skjodt

Carmel, IN

Daniel C. Smith

President Emeritus
Indiana University Foundation
Kelley School of Business faculty member
Bloomington, IN

Stephen R. Springer

Syracuse, IN

Milton R. Stewart

Warrenton, OR

Stephen A. Stitle

Managing Partner - Indiana Operations
SmithAmundsen, LLC
Indianapolis, IN

Eugene R. Tempel

Founding Dean
IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
President Emeritus
Indiana University Foundation
Indianapolis, IN

Randall L. Tobias

Tobias Family Office
Carmel, IN

John D. Walda

President and CEO
NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers)
Washington, DC

Margaret R. Watanabe

Clinical Assistant Professor, Emerita Obstetrics and Gynecology
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN