Grant Application

Your vision for IU could become reality

All Indiana University community members—students, faculty, and staff—with the vision and capacity to manage and effectively utilize a grant are encouraged to apply for WPLC funding.

Applicants should articulate the ways in which their program will impact diverse constituents, particularly those with historic disadvantages, and the ways in which grant outcomes will contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive environment at IU and beyond.

Applications for the 2024-2025 grant cycle will be accepted from November 1, 2023, through midnight on February 1, 2024. In addition to applying for a Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council grant, your project is welcome to apply for funds from the Black Philanthropy Circle and/or Queer Philanthropy Circle. The single application is inclusive of all three.

Grant applications MUST be submitted online. Please reference the application instructions and best practices when gathering information for entry into the online application form.

If you have any questions about the grant application process, please contact IU Foundation Affinity Giving at

Improving public health

Creating global and service-learning experiences for IU students

Supporting leadership initiatives

Promoting and advancing STEM disciplines

Providing educational and cultural enrichment to the greater IU community