Make a Gift of Securities

Ready to make a gift of securities?

To make a gift of securities, you will need to notify your financial institution. Due to fluctuations in pricing, the details of your gift will not be finalized until after your financial institution completes the transfer.

*Please note: If you are seeking to donate stock or mutual funds from an IRA account, we appreciate your generosity, but the IU Foundation does not accept gifts of stock or mutual funds from IRA accounts. To donate cash from your IRA, please contact our Gift Planning team at 812-855-8311.

Instructions for transfer of DTC Eligible Securities

The following are the DTC instructions for Indiana University Foundation for transfer of stock to the university’s broker, Bank of New York (BNY) Mellon.

DTC# 0443
Pershing, LLC
Account # N7M002523
Account Name: Indiana University Foundation
Reference: (name of donor)

Before a transfer of stock is made, please notify IUF of your intent to give and allocation for your gift. Please contact for any questions.

Additional information if helpful:

Indiana University Foundation Tax ID: 35-6018940

BNY Contact (for brokers only):

Gift receipts

Once processing is fully complete, IU Foundation will send you an electronic gift receipt stating the security name, number of shares, and date of receipt. Per IRS Publication 1771, non-profits are instructed not to provide values for gifts of securities. You will need to consult with your tax professional to determine the appropriate value to use for tax purposes.


We are here to help. Please contact our Gift of Stock team at or 812-855-8311.