Lead our community forward as a founding member
Join IU’s Latino Philanthropy Circle and be part of a group of philanthropic leaders dedicated to advancing the interests and needs of Latino communities at IU.
As a founding member, you’ll help inform LPC priorities and make recommendations on how the giving circle dollars are disbursed across IU each year. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with people whose lives are directly impacted by your leadership and generosity.
You’ll also be able to collaborate with key IU partners, including:
- IU Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- IU Latino Alumni Association
- La Casa/Latino Cultural Center
- Regional campus multicultural centers
To take your place as an LPC founding member, make a Founder-level pledge ($15,000 over a three-year member term) to the Latino Philanthropy Circle Initiatives Fund by December 31, 2025. For more information on how to join or make your gift, contact the IU Foundation’s Affinity Giving team at 812-855-6533 or affingiv@iu.edu.