WHS Impact Report

Well House Society Impact Report

When a crisis occurs, when a need is unmet, when an idea is too good not to pursue, contributions to the Well House Society help IU rise to meet the moment—funding a variety of projects that reflect Indiana University’s values, priorities, and mission.

Here you’ll find just a few examples of the extraordinary, life-changing work that your contributions have made possible.

You’re helping address the mental health needs of IU students

At a time when the rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation on college campuses are at their highest, you're providing students resources and relief.

You’re touching lives and strengthening communities throughout the state of Indiana

  • As part of a student-led IU South Bend program bolstered by WHS support, young mothers received language-enriching books and toys, along with student-led educational instruction, to help foster their children’s development.
  • The WHS helped fund “IU Innovates,” a new, university-wide initiative to support student and faculty entrepreneurship via the creation and growth of startup ventures across the state.
  • Your support prepared future elementary school educators in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) via a video workshop that taught the soon-to-be teachers how to make and apply critical observations in their practicum classrooms.
  • With support from the WHS, IU Kokomo students are engaging in experiential learning—working on real-world projects brought forward by local businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies.

Now is the time to dream, to think big, and to imagine the university we want IU to become.

Pamela Whitten, IU President

You’re fostering IU’s culture of diversity, inclusiveness, and empowerment

  • Your generosity is expanding IU Bloomington’s Groups Scholars Program to regional IU campuses. The program increases college attendance among first-generation, underrepresented students at IU by providing academic, financial, and social support to students.
  • A WHS grant helped the Queer Student Union (QSU) elevate its recruitment strategy, grow membership, and increase visibility on campus by creating a QSU toolkit. 
  • Your generosity provided scholarships to students in need of housing at the Women in STEM Living-Learning Center, a residential community that unites undergraduate students pursuing STEM degrees.
  • IU Southeast is creating LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces on campus and in surrounding rural communities.

* Fiscal Year 2023: 7/1/22–6/30/23

Your commitment to IU is such a gift

Your support of the Well House Society is absolutely essential to continuing the good work that happens at IU. Individuals like you are the reason IU can continue to succeed—and you are so very much appreciated.

If you have questions regarding your Well House Society membership or other inquiries we might be able to assist with, please let us know.

Well House Society
whsiuf@iu.edu | 812-855-8311